March Snoozescopes
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
“Our friends interpret the world and ourselves to us, if we take them tenderly and truly.” – Amos Bronson Alcott
You are learning to lighten your heart this month sweet Aries. To lighten the heart is to learn we are worthy. You are learning to give yourself everything you need so that you aren’t requiring it of the world around you. This is the month for you to create the legend of your life. Perhaps you are writing your memoir, sharing your gifts in grander ways or planning for how you want to make your life the epic adventure you know you were meant to explore into. Beautifying life feels special for you this month too. Get a vibrant new haircut or go find a fabulous outfit that you normally wouldn’t splurge on. Don’t be afraid to standout and feel your beauty shining in whatever brings that out in you!
Sleep potion: Sing a little lullaby before bed. Make your own or find one to sing along to. Just let your heart sing.
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
Influenced by JUSTICE
“Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.” – Edmund Lee
Your father or a figure of paternal authority plays a more important piece of your life this month Taurus. Don’t be afraid to reach out for advice or just to say I love you and thank you! There is also a contract, offer or relationship that you are being offered. Let yourself soak in the beauty of growth from that offer or person. Also March is really about your deepest and truest friendships. Spend time with the people who lift and perhaps need you this month. You will get so much out of being with those deep relationships that reflect back to you who you are at your core. If you see Magnolia this month, take as a sign you are IN THE UPLEVEL and will be rewarded by the universe.
Sleep potion: Create a brand new bedtime ritual and have fun making it! Write yourself a fun note or just say a little mantra – it’s all you this month.
Gemini (May 21- June 20)
Influenced by KNIGHT OF CUPS Rx
“Today I shall behave as if this day is the day I will be remembered.” – Dr. Seuss
Can you have a little more fun with your heart growth this month Gemini? I feel like your heart is opening up to more love in a huge way. March is about letting yourself notice how that opening is trying to happen. So it’s okay if you are contemplative in that space. It looks as though some encounters by chance are coming your way. A new friend showing up – an important relationship! Or a sweet romantic stranger flirting? Enjoy and be open to all of it. Your soul is being nourished by these human interactions right now and you are being asked to receive all the nourishment. Soul friends. Soul mates. Soul connections. Call them in gemini. If you see a Zebra, this is a sign of such a contractual connection.
Sleep potion: Healthy meals are your sleep potion this month Gemini. Make dinnertime soul nourishment to aid in sleep.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Influenced by QUEEN OF WANDS
“Men who want to support women in our struggle for freedom and justice should understand that is it’s not terrifically important to us that they learn to cry; it is important to us that they stop the crimes of violence against us.” – Andrea Dworkin
When what you are trying to create feels a bit thwarted or stuck, do NOT forget your powerful leadership Cancer. You keep standing in your knowledge of what you want to make out of life. We all see you. Things may not feel ideal now but this is all part of the process. Your work now is to remain in your power and knowing. You right injustices. You defend those who need it. You advise the ones who need guidance. Your grand vision is coming together and the path is assured. Delays are ON YOUR SIDE now. Let those around you see it in your eyes. You see the truth in others and let them see yours.
Sleep potion: Listen for the animals at night. Notice what you hear. The owl – wisdom. Your dog rustling – loyalty. Cicadas – the shaman. Listen for truths.
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)
“Enjoy yourself. It’s later than you think.” – Chinese Proverb
Focus on your gifts this month Leo. You can feel your magic is growing. Can you bet on these gifts rather than needing them reflected back to you from another. Where in life do you see yourself as the mentor, the guide or the educator for others. Enhance this role. You can feel it building. Dive deeper. Share more. You are honing in on more of your fundamental purpose and meaningful intention of what you are here to do. You are ready to let some of those unnecessary distractions fall away too. Notice where you can let them go and stop fighting to keep around what isn’t serving you. This could even be just unnecessary thoughts that are distracting you from fully being in your light. Seeing an ostrich is your magic symbol that life is elevating you.
Sleep potion: Sense the weight of your body. Tune into your root chakra, see red light bringing you down into the earth and see it holding you with weight as you sleep.
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Influenced by THE DEVIL
“Living Life Tomorrow’s fate, though thou be wise, thou canst not tell nor yet surmise; pass, therefore, not today in van, for it will never come again.” – Omar Khayyam
You are the driver Virgo. You know your power now and you are navigating quite the journey. Can you remain open as you see where you are going – without letting fear, ego or materialism pull you off course? I see hummingbirds being a reminder of your magic and guidance. So do not let yourself get distracted by the things you know are not part of your purpose. And be open knowing that when you don’t push or distract or block in fear, ANYTHING can happen. The more you stay in your unique truths, the more aligned the unexpected can arrive for you. If you feel like getting that tattoo or that wild piercing, this is the time – go be unapologetically YOU!
Sleep potion: Create a sleepy time dance and own it.
LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Influenced by NINE OF WANDS
“You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily or have sharp edges or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.” - The Velveteen Rabbit
There is an adventure just around the corner Libra. You can feel it. But for now, you are in the prep stage. You are training your body. You are visiting the costume department. You are eating clean. You are clearing what cannot come with this next adventure. It doesn’t play a part in the super hero movie you are joining. So if it feels like you are in the underworld, having weird dark dreams or feel just a little stuck, it’s because you are being prepped. Your work is to stay strong. Try on the costumes. Eat healthy food. Be the best version of you. And only you. Stay away from places of crime. Avoid violence. Keep your field clear and clean. Is it wild to tell you that 13 is your lucky number this month? See it and GET READY.
Sleep potion: Dive deep into your heart and create gratitude out of everything you find there. Even the dark and dingy stuff. Transform it NOW.
SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” – Dale Carnegie
Scorpio, WOW this month is not the month to play small. But for some reason I feel you could easily get trapped into – am I lost soul mode. NO! You are a magnet now so get the f out there. This is your yes month. Can you, no matter what just say yes! Put in the extra work. Show up. And when you feel confused, just dive in deeper. The song is saying – I’m not who I was. Can you own that? You are no longer who you were. And life wants to show you how to be more of who you ARE. So can you let it? And keep a positive expectation around what is coming into fruition. (that part feels really important). Be in your scorpio power. And you don’t need signs this month Scorpio, because you are making it happen. Oh and in your relationships, can you go there a bit deeper? Lean into intimacy.
Sleep potion: Get something grounding to keep near your bed. Perhaps that makes you think of abundance. A red scarf or candle? Red Lunya PJs?
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Influenced by EIGHT OF CUPS
“Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.” – Mother Teresa
Sag, you are ready for the next phase of life, right? But why do I feel I need to tell you that there’s some line of thinking you need to change? Are you too focused on the finances of this choice? Or perhaps you thought it was supposed to look a little differently? Cards say, be more inquisitive. Be like the student, an explorer, a seeker of knowledge. You are being shown a different way. This is exciting if you can just get out of your own way! You are SO much closer than you realize. The tiger is your spirit animal this month. Let him remind you of your power – and the balance of the feminine and masculine of what is arriving for you.
Sleep potion: Place your hands on your chest and imagine emerald green filling your chest with a pink glimmering heart in the middle. Feel the warrior spirit tiger entering in to help guide you in your dreams.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Influenced by FOOL Rx
“Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see. The beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
Can you feel yourself in between worlds Cappy? I can feel you so ready and willing and wanting to step into this next phase of leadership and strength. The cards show, can you just fully let go and be in the in between. The in between can be such a miraculous place, if you’ll allow it. When in the in between, you’ll see the animals differently. You will see nature differently. You will feel the spirit of nature, of the animals of children. Enjoy this magic. Do not go back in fear. Just beeeeee. This would be an EXCELLENT time to dive deeper into your spiritual practices. What is going to dive you deeper into your awareness? If it were me, I’d go immerse myself in nature and the mountains if I could.
Sleep potion: Write one thing you want to be better at each night then throw it away. “I want to be more patient with my son”. Like that.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Influenced by SIX OF WANDS
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with unexpected success in common hours.” – Henry David Thoreau
Sweet loveeeee. Aquarius, be like a journalist this month. This is the best way through. Ask lots of questions. Interview and share stories with us. In your relationships, in your work. Dive deeper. Understand the underneath of it all. Anything that’s felt questionable in love, is coming up roses this month, Aquarius. The more you just let love take you, the more lovely the trip. You may be feeling this in your career as well. Let others see how much you love what you do. This will attract more of what you want. If you are getting on an airplane this month, expect some MAGIC.
Sleep potion: Make yourself a medicine circle for the bedside. Include some crystals, pictures, jewelry, anything with special personal meaning to you.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Influenced by PAGE OF WANDS Rx
“Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!” – Tony Robbins
Pisces, you are SO close. And you are SO SEEN now. Just because that thing, you know that thing, hasn’t happened yet. Remain open. Everything is aligning to bring you the exact perfect circumstances for what you want and deserve. You have been like a blacksmith forging, melting, shaping and tempering to get just the right piece. Do not lose yourself that it hasn’t all landed yet. It’s coming. Stay in your field of power. You may be being taught moderation now. This frustrates your impatient mind but this patience and practice will bring an even more stabilized presence for where you are going.
Sleep potion: Breathwork is going to take you out of the mind that wants to work through things. Your body just needs to feel you back in it. Focus on the breath.