Lunya - blog

How Our Founder Structures Her Day

How we spend the first few hours of our mornings can set the tone for the rest of our day. We tapped Lunya's Founder, Ashley Merrill to see how the entrepreneur and mom of 2

The Midsummer Spritz Mocktail

The Midsummer Spritz Mocktail

The Midsummer Spritz Mocktail By request of your A/C (give it a li’l break), we concocted the perfect summer cooldown bev. Guiltless by alcohol-free nature and only requiring some simple ingredients, add to your favorite
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Thanks For Coming to This Side of Town by Alison Lynch

Thanks For Coming to This Side of Town by Alison Lynch

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My Maps of Los Angeles

My Maps of Los Angeles

A SHORT STORY BY ANDRÉS CARRASQUILLO The point of this exercise was to demonstrate a third dimension: you begin with a base map of basic information, like a street grid, natural features, or the names
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A Child At Rest by Margaret Kolb

A Child At Rest by Margaret Kolb

A Child At Rest A SHORT STORY BY MARGARET KOLB At night, we shuffle into the room our children share to turn off their owl-shaped reading light. My husband extracts books from still-gripping fingers—Magic Schoolbus,
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Musings on Art of Rest with Kristen Giorgi

Musings on Art of Rest with Kristen Giorgi

The Kristen Giorgi x Lunya capsule collection centers limited-edition sleepwear around the immense beauty of being in repose. 
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Juliette in Silk

Waking Up Slowly with Juliette Labelle

If you know Juliette Labelle from IG @juliettelabelle, you know that she’s busy being *quite literally* a cool mom. Cue the 4am wake ups! But she’s also busy blessing your feed with images of her
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Four Women Creating a Category

Women Creating a Category

We recently invited Alli Webb of Drybar, Joy Cho of Oh Joy, and Catherine McCord of Weelicious and One Potato, to The Bedroom to chat about allll of the things.   This wasn't your average founder panel; more
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Ashley's Thoughts - hard road or enjoyable one

What Keeps Me Up At Night | The Hard Road or the Enjoyable One

My husband and I took a hike together last weekend and we were joking how the hike was basically a metaphor for how we approach life.  We came across a fork in the road early on
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What I learned from a week of juicing day and night

What I Learned From A Week Of Juicing Day and Night

The Lunya Team took a trip down to our favorite cold pressed juicery in Santa Monica, Orchard Flats, to learn more about what juice can do for our daily routines. 
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