December Snoozescopes
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Influenced by QUEEN OF CUPS
"There is a wisdom of the head, and a wisdom of the heart." – Charles Dickens
Who might need you this month, Aries? Your loyalty and support is a bright shining light for someone or someones who really need it now. Say yes when the opportunity to be helpful presents itself. You were made for this. And don’t be afraid to notice your own emotions coming up for clearing this month. Any triggering or overwhelming life moments that come up, are here to release and uplevel you. Lemur is your spirit animal for December. They are one of the world’s oldest living primates. The females lead the way socially and are known to kick the males out of where they are sleeping. The feminine is demanding respect – doesn’t mean kicking out of bed but your feminine wants to show the way in full respect. Men – call your Moms! Women or those comfortable in your feminine – use it!
Sleep potion: Dream meditations are your jam this month. Go find who works for you! Richard Rudd, Joe Dispenza – fall asleep to these masters.
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
Influenced by TEMPERANCE
"In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed." – Khalil Gibran
Is someone trying to pull you into their drama, Taurus? This is your month to trust in YOUR path. It is your choice whether you get mixed into someone else’s neurosis. Keep grounded and do more for this month to remind your body and soul to FEEL GOOD. Plan an extra facial. Ask for a spa day from Santa. Give yourself a little trip away. And remember anything that brings up fear for you, remember there is extra divine support around you this month with that Temperance card. Say a little prayer and ask for a sign. See a balloon, you are rising higher in your spiritual work and being rewarded.
Sleep potion: Selenite is your magic wand for sleep this month. Selenite washes out and dark and fills room and space with light and clearing.
Gemini (May 21- June 20)
Influenced by 5 OF PENTACLES Reversed
"Integrity is telling myself the truth, and honestly is telling the truth to other people." – Spensor Johnson
Gemini, this is your month to speak your full truths and to listen to the truths of others. There are so many possibilities and opportunities wanting to present themselves now. The best way to help you see them is to take a deep breath and say all you need to say. Just the words coming out of you are going to release and clear so much. And secondly, perhaps someone else needs to hear them. But for you it is the first and most important piece. Dolphin is your medicine so ask for a dolphin to appear as a sign you are supported. Your voice is important for humanity now too. Are you speaking to inspire and support others? You have the opportunity to help so many now. Use your voice to uplift and lead!
Sleep potion: Breathwork is VERY supportive for you now. Find a class in your town or find something online to help guide you.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Influenced by THE MOON Reversed
"Compassion is to look beyond your own pain, to see the path of others." – Yasmin Mogahed
Cancer, you are moving some big emotions in order to advance your healership. You have such a powerful impact on others and how your presence can support them is growing tenfold….or has the capability to anyway. It might be time to get an animal or another animal to join your magical pact of life now. Animals can come in and be such a powerful ally to our energy as we grow in our compassion with self and others. Get a dog! Or a bunny! Or go visit the animal shelter and soak up the love. Or just lean into your nurturing sign. The more gentle you are this month, the more things seem to easily align for you.
Sleep potion: Lady’s Mantle, the herb is powerful in evoking healing. Bring some bedside with you!
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)
Influenced by DEATH
"Perfection is not the price of love. Practice is. We practice how to express our love and how to receive our partner’s love. Love is an action even more than a feeling. It requires intention and attention, a practice we call attunement." – John M. Gottman
Be willing to look underneath the surface and sense the truth this month Leo. Your spiritual vision is becoming quite powerful so tune in and listen! You have important choices now and with all this spiritual vision I think you are going to know exactly what is needed for your highest good. Make sure you plan some great workouts because your energy levels are higher than normal and you’ll feel good to go run, do a great class or try a new workout. This is the month to experiment with your energy – exercise and through your third eye. (oh and owl is your spirit guide. See her and know she is guiding you and supporting your opening to more angelic support).
Sleep potion: Mix it up this month – do something you’ve never done before. Try Ozlo sleepbuds if you really want to go deep into sleep!
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Influenced by SIX OF PENTACLES Reversed
"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare." – Dale Carnegie
Is it time for you to seek out a mentor or guide to help support your growth now? How are you nurturing your gifts and how you are sharing in the world. This may even be through a collaboration or partnership! Who in your life comes to mind when you think about growing your business? Who would you like supporting you? Or maybe what kind of person would you like to call in to help support you. Spend time thinking about this in December. Lots of clarity bopping in now to help you grow. Trust in the ideas that are presented to you!
Sleep potion: Sleep with a notebook or computer nearby. You are going to want to write down what is coming in at night!
LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Influenced by NINE OF CUPS
"Sacred are the lips form which has issued only truth." – Robert Green Ingersoll
Open your heart and mind in complete trust, Libra. The cards show you are so empowered and ALIVE if you are living your truth now. So anything not in truth or authenticity will be wiped and cleansed so you can keep being the brightest light full of gratitude. If you can wake up for the sunrise, this month feels like a good one to go bask in the sun rays to kick off your human aliveness. Give yourself a few days this month to fully shout down and focus on what you are shedding. Like truly a few days that are JUST FOR YOU – to release, to cleanse, to empty yourself out of the stuff you don’t need for where you are going!
Sleep potion: Osho is your medicine this month. (I love the Book of Secrets!)
SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Influenced by WHEEL OF FORTUNE
"Always remember you are beautiful. You are worthy. You are important. You are special. You are unique. You are talented and you are irreplaceable."– Anon
Heart first Scorpio. Can you spend December with heart first. Your mind tells you to say something to choose something. Drop into heart. What does the heart tell you? Your inner state is most important and will tell you what it needs to be awesome. Heart wisdom will help you stay open and vulnerable and engaging and heart wisdom will also tell you when to disengage and assert that a behavior or situation does not have permission to enter the inner sanctity of your being. All to say, boundaries are helpful for you now. You do not need to punish yourself or the other, and a healthy boundary will be needed for everyone. Dragonfly is a symbol that things are shifting in your favor!
Sleep potion: Buy yourself new jam jammies. An early Christmas gift perhaps or belated birthday gift!
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Influenced by THE LOVERS
“Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.” – Kurt Vonnegut
What does your physical body need most this month? Do that. Massage. Rest. Movement. Healthier nourishment? Maybe you should try going vegetarian for a month? Or start a new kind of workout? You’ll be guided to what your body needs if you ask! Sometimes when I’m starting to get sick I crave garlic and spinach and celery juice. Listen to what your body is telling you now. And give extra care to your body. If that means taking a day to just veg and watch movies – do that. Something about what’s happening to you is increasing your connection to the spirit world so trust in the beauty in what may feel like some suffering. Just keep choosing peace and watch for the wonder. Also use some of your down time to notice your community and friends
Sleep potion: Daydream before you go into your sleep dreams.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Influenced by 10 OF SWORDS Reversed
"It isn’t until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are – not necessarily a religious feeling, but deep down, the spirit within – that you can begin to take control." – Oprah Winfrey
Capricorn your homework for December: Make yourself some hot cocoa (or cacao if you can go deeper) and sit down with someone you love and get vulnerable. Pretend like it’s preschool and sharing time. You can keep it simple and light with your chocolate shares. But share. Communicate. This is like an important rite of passage for you, December is. You have been getting smacked with Pluto’s lessons and now you are ready for your potential. So get deep in there and align with your heart and soul. Speak out some truths and get ready to attract more into your life. There is a final piece removed.
Sleep potion: A mantra for you – I honor the sacred gift of flight and liberation. Oh and Mugwart for under your pillow – this supports the passage.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Influenced by 5 OF WANDS Reversed
"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life." – Henry David Thoreau
December is a time to visualize what you want and where you are headed Aquarius. If you visionboard this would be a moment to do it. You also might be surprised at what ends up there. Your intuition is wanting to help guide you as to what is coming together in your life. So pay attention to the nudges now. And don’t be afraid to have a good cry. Those tears are to help shed what is going to make space for all that’s entering. Truly less action in December – it’s all about tuning in and seeing where it’s going. And go dance if you can.
Sleep potion: Read a good book before bed. I’m into The 5 Personality patterns by Stephen Kessler if you want a lil self help!
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Influenced by 10 OF PENTACLES
"To be in time is to be asleep: to be awake is to be in eternity." – Osho
Manifestations can be sped up now Pisces. Your card, the 10 of pentacles is all about abundance, legacy and truly being grateful for all the wonderful relationships and gifts in your life. So let’s start there. Spend your holidays in full gratitude. And then make sure you are spending time this month thinking about what you’d like to manifest next year. Maybe even buy something that can be your reminder of what you are calling in. And finally the last bit of guidance is on healing specifically with your 3rd chakra. This is all about personal power, confidence and adaptability. Wearing yellow and spending time in the sun is very vibrant for this chakra. Surround yourself with friends and family who lift you up and remind you of your greatness!
Sleep potion: Get some yellow pajamas!