February Snoozescopes
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Influenced by TWO OF WANDS
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible.’” – Audrey Hepburn
Aries, we need your leadership now more than ever. This month it feels like you are going inward, looking at yourself and truly transforming big stuff, big breakthroughs. And then it’s as if the breakthrough happens and life brings you the opportunity to transform others. So get ready to step up and step in for others. So when opportunities for leadership present themselves, say yes. Lean in. You are the kid on the playground calling the shots, making sure everyone is having fun but also calling out the bullies. Don’t be afraid to be the director of fun and the safekeeper now. I feel you questioning some of this but that’s why we need YOU. You’ll take the job of playground director as seriously as it needs to.
Sleep potion: Get yourself a fun sleepmask and give it your signature touch. Maybe some essential oil, or a little drawing on the inside or a word to give you reminders in your sleep! Love?
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
Influenced by NINE OF SWORDS Rx
"Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality." – Malala Yousafzai
Home is top of mind this month Taurus. Don’t worry about making a long term plan right now but it does feel like starting to make some changes that are going to support your future. Perhaps a move? Or renovations? The second piece is you thinking of your energy field with a gate around it. Who gets past the gate? This gate is also your protection. You are allowed to keep people out. You are urged to bring in those that you want to keep close. This gate is also your protection now as your energy field is changing. Let your energy keep growing and expanding and know what energies help expand and hold space for you to do that! Oh and lean into the wise women in your life this month. They will help soften and keep you connected to your intuition.
Sleep potion: Sprinkle salt around your house…maybe even a pitch around your bed to help keep your protection while you sleep!
Gemini (May 21- June 20)
Influenced by QUEEN OF CUPS
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." – Confucius
To start – rainbows are your magical sign this month. Watch for them to know you are right where you are supposed to be! When making decisions, ask for the rainbow to show up to guide you. Gemini, you have a healing star shining from within and above you this month. There is a healing happening with an important woman in your life. Do not rush the process but I think you’ll know what I mean that a healing is guiding that relationship now. It will be some baby steps but you will feel the blessing. Spend some time dancing this month. Truly – in your kitchen, in the club, in your yard. Just dance.
Sleep potion: Gardening or prepping food for the next day feels very supportive for your energy before bed. Maybe it’s even watering your plants. Connect to nutrients and plants this month. And before bedtime feels calming!
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Influenced by STAR
"The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters." – Conrad Anker
Wow Cancer – your cards show that this month is showing you what you are made of. You are the mountain and the sun and stars are lighting the way for you to see what you came here to fight for. We are looking to you to be an example for all of us. The song is saying, This is Who I Am. That’s right – here you are. Overcoming the greatest of struggles and showing us all how to do it. You can see exactly where you want this to go. Own your ability now and experiment to create your visible manifestations. I see how many you can help with what you are creating!
Sleep potion: Slippers are you jam this month. Get yourself a pair that screams you. Imagine yourself walking in these slippers in any place you are sleeping.
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)
Influenced by THE LOVERS
"Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste." – Charlotte Bronte
Wow Leo what a powerful month. You are being shown how what you feel about love is RIGHT and to just allow life to keep resorting and directing you. The full moon is going to help shine a light on exactly what I’m saying here. Your dreams and those random drop in feelings – yeah pay attention. You are being guided outside of logic and reason….beyond now. Keep trusting even when your head wants to question and reason away. No, you know. You just cannot know how. Stay in possibility. Stay in the dreams. This also means you DO NOT NEED TO MANIPULATE a gosh darn thing. What is meant to happen, is happening. It’s not tonight (the song is saying) but positive events are guiding things now if you can just trust.
Sleep potion: Use a dream journal! WRITE THEM DOWN. You are getting wild clear messages this month and you’ll want to write them. As soon as you start writing, you’ll remember more. So just jot a few notes and let it flow!
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Influenced by FIVE OF WANDS
Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions. – Samuel Ullman
Virgo deeply meaningful teachers are entering your life this month. This could be a mentor, a friend or a lover. There will be no question because you will feel the importance of this person entering your world. You will feel the spark, the draw, the “no getting out of this”. You are meant to learn and grow from this connection. So no matter if it's uncomfortable or magical, you will be drawn together to learn something. This could be someone you are supposed to work with, a child, a deeply connected relationship. Lean into everything about it if you can and move through what you are going to learn and grow from this person.
Sleep potion: Get a good book for before bed. Let yourself learn and imagine and seep in its information as you doze off to sleep.
LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
"The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain." – Henry Wadsworth
Libra, tree is your spirit animal this month. The tree teaches us to stand tall within. Finding strength to spread your branches and breathe deeply rooted in oneself. Spend extra time with trees if you can! Forest bathing perhaps? Or just some magical hikes. Find your nature. You are rooted and safe is the reminder this month. Remembering this is important as you go out to travel and DO in the world. Don’t be afraid to go knowing you are coming back and will come back to self. Your emotions are coming up for clearing and deeper rooting now so have a practice to allow for emotions to clear. A few sad movies on tap for a good cry? Playlist that lets you feel the range of emotions. Call a friend who lets you be released. You know the drill.
Sleep potion: Breathworth is your friend this month. Do some slow deep breathing to help slow you down and root down as you drift off.
SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Influenced by NINE OF WANDS
The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion. – Thich Nhat Hanh
Scorpio, be present. Can you really work on releasing your over-focus on time? Be present. This month is helping you deepen your trust in your inner strength. You are finding better ways to express yourself and get things done. Enjoy this in each moment. You are ONE DAY AT A TIME. So much wants to change and you can feel things are close. STAY in that energy. Let yourself be surprised instead of setting expectations on yourself or those around you. BE PRESENT. Keep giving yourself credit for where you are and where you know you are going.
Sleep potion: Get an object to keep you remembering to stay present. Some may say a red string around your wrist? Or you could put a stopped clock next to your bed. BE PRESENT.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Influenced by AGE OF SWORDS
Make your vision so clear that your fears become irrelevant. – Kerwin Rae
Sag, something is landing for you this month. Be it an idea, an offer, a home, a trip….whatever it is it feels VERY important for where you are going. So RUN WITH IT. Dive in and go as deep as you can. Make it happen. See the vision and just do it! I’m literally getting BE PUSHY. Don’t let yourself be swayed. You know your truth – stay centered there. And finally – speak up. There may be an opportunity for you to say what you know needs to happen or what you know you want. Use your voice Sag! If you are a writer, share your words, no fear!
Sleep potion: Get a feather to keep near your bed to remind you that you are taking flight now!
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Influenced by THE EMPRESS
I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become. – Carl Jung
Butterfly is your medicine Capricorn. Butterflies take us into dark places where mysterious transformations happen. Change is hard. But you are ready for it. Do not resist it now. This is not the time to fight to stand your ground. No, this is the time to accept this moment in time that is directing you to where you are meant to go. You are being forced into a surrender and this will be beautiful if you allow yourself to be taken. You will have moments where people and situations come to you that feel so surreal. Be in curiosity. Watch how you are shown where to go, how to navigate new territory now. Let butterflies show up to guide you – this is your sign you are where you are supposed to be. You go see that house and a butterfly lands on your car – this is it. You get that call and a butterfly flies by – listen carefully! Also I’m hearing EAST for you. Go east.
Sleep potion: Give yourself honey before bed. Honey is healing and soothing and helpful on the throat. Take this in now.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Influenced by KNIGHT OF CUPS
"You don’t always need to understand your journey in life, you just. Need to trust that you’re going in the right direction." - Steven Aitchison
Aquarius, I’m confused here. I feel SO much love coming to you, around you, within you. Yet I feel you are not fully receiving all this love. What is this about? Can you move through whatever is blocking you from receiving? Can you notice everyone who is pouring into you? The message here is for balance and divine timing. Allow whatever is happening too slowly, too quickly TO FLOW. I love the analogy that when two dance partners dance, one steps closer and the other must step back and then vice versa. Can you keep this in your heart? Life is your dance partner now.
Sleep potion: Plan mini spa nights for yourself this month. If it were me, I’d put on my comfy lunya jammies and get fun animal facemasks and watch silly Instagram videos.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Influenced by THE HIEROPHANT
"If you keep on believing, the dream that you wish for will come true." – Cinderella
Your emotions are coming up this month and my message here for you is to remember that whoever is triggering them (usually those we love the most). It’s not about them. It’s you. Do not try to fix them. Look at what you are learning and growing out of. This feels like such a powerfully emotional time. Also a fertile one. Go make a baby. Go create art. And let yourself grow through some big emotions. Water is overwhelming this reading. If you can spend time near the ocean, this will support your inner journey of the waters within. What’s moving now is so important in terms of supporting where you are going. And truly, what you are focusing on and moving internally is leaps more important than anything in the material world. So let yourself be moved now.
Sleep potion: It’s all about baths for you this month. Pisces. Let it soak. Get yourself a fun scent and go wild.